Joyce Pomeroy / Founder and President
Joyce has three daughters and six grandchildren.
She is a retired 1st Lieutentant with the Fire Department and was honored with several awards and recognitions for her years of volunteer service as a Firefighter and EMT. Joyce also managed Hudson Valley Cardiology for 18 years. She was an EMT instructor for New York State and taught various vocational medical classes as well.
In 2006, Joyce founded Last Stop Horse Rescue (LSHR), a 501c3 non-profit organization, licensed in Maine and Georgia. LSHR is dedicated to saving abused and neglected horses of all breeds and backgrounds. Joyce studied Parelli Natural Horsemanship and believes in their program through living proof of its success.
She incorporates natural horsemanship methods to rehabilitate each horse according to their personal individual needs. No two horses are alike, so LSHR does what is best for each horse while always maintaining a natural horsemanship, no-force, loving approach.
Joyce has participated in several veterinarian training programs with the University of Maine and on-site clinics in Gainesville, Georgia. She has also hosted community events with Job Corps, Girl Scouts, and 4-H.
Last Stop Horse Rescue and Bolduc Correctional Facility formed a relationship with the Division of Animal Welfare of the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry to establish their Shelter Me horse program for inmates.
The program began in 2012 with 2 very special horses, Bradley and Lincoln. Lincoln was an ex-racehorse rescued by LSHR. These horses would serve as therapy for the inmates, giving them a sense of value and purpose.
Joyce rehabilitated Lincoln so that he could rehabilitate people!
Joyce can be reached at:
(207) 403-4401 or laststophorserescue@hotmail.com

Toni Helen / Author
Toni has a way of bringing the many stories of the horses at the rescue to life for children using age-appropriate detail while still maintaining each lesson through her writing. Her first book, Believe in Miracles: Lessons from the animals at Last Stop Horse Rescue, was written to teach children heartwarming lessons of love, hope and friendship. It is a collaboration of true stories about how the animals found their way to LSHR, and was ranked #1 New Release in Children’s Books by Amazon!
Toni then began a series entitled, TRUE STORIES FROM LAST STOP HORSE RESCUE. The series includes: Last Stop Horse Rescue Plays Cupid!, which was also ranked #1 New Release in Children’s Books by Amazon!, and Last Stop Horse Rescue Saves Benny!, a children’s adaptation of our “Benny Video” seen here: Benny’s Journey (LSHR was honored by the ASPCA as Rescue of the Year 2014 for Saving Benny).
Last Stop Horse Rescue

Our children are our future…..
Teach them kindness and patience. Allow them to experience all the beauty while teaching them the importance of soft hands and forgiving hearts. To educate our youth and to always remember….it isn’t what the horse can do for us but instead what we can do for the horse.

Believe in Miracles... Never Give Up Hope!
Do you need help with a horse?
After many years of experience rescuing horses, we have seen a lot and still learn something new each day. Reflecting back over the years we realize many of the horses LSHR took in probably didn’t need to be “rescued.” Some were surrendered for no reason other than a lack of understanding between horse and human. This was such an injustice to the horse and its human who obviously once loved the horse but was frustrated and lost hope.
We quickly realized how unfair these type of intakes were to other horses in dire need of life-saving care. If we continued accepting healthy horses who were just simply misunderstood, there wouldn’t be enough time, space, help, or funding for horses in need of extensive care like Benny, Charlie, and Murdock just to name a few.
LSHR wants to help horse owners to never lose hope again. Owner surrender cases can be easily avoidable! We are always available by phone, email, Skype and Facebook to help with questions, concerns, or behavorial issues. We also have many resources to point you in the right direction. And will gladly travel if time and distance permits. Last Stop Horse Rescue provides a “Road to Hope”, so please never give up hope on your horse!